Albuquerque Involved is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit donation and service organization for Albuquerqueans to discover local nonprofit agencies.
Small Donation, Big Impact.
Each month, all member contributions are combined and granted to local nonprofit agencies. Signing up is easy:
Your tax-deductible contribution is processed automatically once a month:
You choose the amount that best fits into your budget (minimum $10.00 donation to cover transaction costs).
100% of your monthly contribution goes to a local nonprofit. We rely on a volunteer board and corporate sponsors to cover operating costs while keeping overhead to a minimum so that every dollar you contribute becomes part of our grant.
Member contributions are combined into a grant each month and members select who receives the grant!
We will never pressure you for a larger contribution.
Discover Local Nonprofits
We know you have many demands on your time, but you also want to be connected to Albuquerque's nonprofit community:
Each month, we select 3 grant applicants and post on social media describing their mission and need.
Cast your vote online for your choice of which of the three organizations should receive our grant.
All 3 nonprofit organizations will receive a grant - $2000 to the organization that receives the highest number of member votes. The second and third place organizations will receive grants for $500 each.
Be as Involved as You Want to Be.
We see service as a way to connect our members to the community and foster a long-term commitment to philanthropy while having fun with friends, old and new!
Simply sign up on the website and reserve your spot.
No pressure. No guilt. Join us when you can and as often as you like.
Family-friendly whenever possible to meet ABQ Involved's goal of fostering a tradition of service with our children.
You want to incorporate service into your life, but may have found it difficult to find the time to coordinate a service project. ABQ Involved does the work and provides monthly service opportunities for you.