New Mexico Child First Network is dedicated to improving the lives of children in foster care and empowering those who serve them through training, policy reform, and direct mentorship and support. New Mexico Child First Network is putting on its Annual New Mexico Foster Family Picnic and Fishing Extravaganza at Tingley Beach for over 400 families and foster youth on June 1st.
Volunteers are needed for 1-3 hours to help New Mexico Child First Network with running the event. Please click the link below to choose the volunteer jobs you are interested in, which include helping kids fish (baiting the line and untangling rods), caught-fish support (helping kids who catch a fish with next steps like gutting, lining, etc), registration/check-in, grilling hot dogs, keeping participants hydrated, and traffic support. Set-up shifts from 730-9am and tear-down shifts from 12-1pm are also available.
Please join us in helping New Mexico Child First Network!